jueves, 14 de febrero de 2013

Be mine. Candy Heart.

I'm tired, exhausted. I no longer need to close my eyes to sleep, to dream but I need to in order to rest.
And I don't want to go to sleep without looking into your eyes.


I don't want to fight any longer, not against you. However, I can't quite easily give up fighting for you.
I am sick, and confused. You've made a mess of my mind but I'm afraid there's no cure for your illness. I am host of the most powerful virus, you.

I know your vision of the world and am flattered to know you find my special from the crowd.
It hasn't exactly been said by your mouth but I've known, all this time.
What else is there out there? When in your eyes, I'm pretty, I'm bright.
You make me shine, you make me smile and all I need is you tonight.

I'll keep fighting. I won't give up.
If your feelings for her were real, you wouldn't have kept it all this time.
So let me try, let me try.
Put your lips next, close to mine's.
All there is, right here, right now
is you and me, lover's in the night.

(A weird diary-poem-song; for you, my love.)

domingo, 10 de febrero de 2013


No comprendo.
Huh, para ser honesta, jamás te he comprendido.
Y ahora menos.

He alcanzado ese punto que desde el principio temí pisar. La cima de la montaña, la vista perfecta de lo que creía paraíso.
Los resultados son poco agradables. Los frondosos árboles se han derrumbado, los extensos campos de flores ya se han marchitado, el mar cuyo sonido antes escuchaba se ve demasiado lejos y oscuro, turbio y perturbador, hasta un punto aterrador.
Todo lo haces tú. He dejado de escuchar tu dulce voz murmurar canciones, dejaste de escribirle poemas al cielo azul, al espumoso oleaje.  Dejaste de convencerme de que sentía la brisa y la sal, que ahora descubro como hormigas reinas, rojas, enfurecidas sobre mi ardiente piel.

Entonces con firmeza las sacudo y con una última, triste mirada a aquella tierra, me despido. Te beso las dos mejillas de ser necesario y renuncio a todo, aceptando de brazos abiertos tu silencio.
Tu ausencia, tu desaparición.