viernes, 28 de diciembre de 2012


Winter is finally here or has been for a week. Winter is said to be the time when flowers meet their final destiny and die only to reborn again. It's a time for new opportunities or the perfect time to sleep some long lost or lack off.

And we're here today to prove it right.

I wonder, have you ever felt this strange/ strong affection for someone?
I have. Most recently, I must say. The kind of 'love' that makes you feel important in someone's eyes and strong. A certain someone who is granted the importance of your feelings and takes part of your life. He or she is suddenly capable of taking decisions or advice that actually matter in your life.
They are no longer outsiders and if the exchange works, you suddenly find yourself in need of more. Sometimes you find yourself thinking about what's next, what unexpected or planned activity will lead you to their arms. You hope to get close.
It's like a world that slowly builds up, accompanied by your expectations and your hopes rise to heaven like Wall Street only to find winter.
Whatever happens to feelings and joy and crushes during winter? Maybe there's a reason why they're called 'crush'-es. Maybe it's because since the very beginning, they're meant to crush. And fall. And unavoidably, die.
Like a flower that seemed so beautiful, a lucky one that made it through fall (autumn.) It was kept alive with an exhausting amount of time and care but with the bitter cold, they can no longer endure.
No matter how much you try.

I was so sure about how I felt for you. How I... fell for you but the winter break has left a gap in my life and I am not talking about 6-to-8 free hours a day. You once made me feel strong and confident and important. You made me jealous. You reminded me of sidekicks. But now, as days go by winter builds up, stronger than the way you did in my mind. Perhaps its the cold that left you on 'freezing' mode but I highly doubt you will ever seem as important.
Too bad because I can tell a number of people who had their bets on you.

2 comentarios:

  1. A good text! Very well! I love text and your blog. This is the reason I´m following you. I hope you post more soon.


  2. Thank you so much for the support!
    And to think we share names, Ana.
